Association “Public assessors of the Republic of Tajikistan” (APART), within the framework of the initiative “Providing information and legal support to media representatives through legal reform in Tajikistan”, ” summed up the results of the competition for the best article among media representatives aimed at highlighting socially urgent problems. 37 works of various formats were submitted for consideration by the competition commission – video, audio, materials from print and electronic media. Based on the results of their consideration / listening / viewing, the following winners were identified:
I place – “Sadoi mardum” Muhammad Zokir (Dushanbe) for the material on the topic: “Darei Varzob partovgoh nest.”
II place – Afzal Bosoliev – journalist / blogger (Khujand) – for the material on the topic: “Khuchandro bui galiz faro megirad. Chi guna hudro az he hifz kunam?”
III place – Mukhodinov Amonjon (Bohtar) for the material on the topic: “Padaroni farzandbezor”.
We thank all participants for their active participation!
I place

II место

III место

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